With Don & Jackie back in the States and Buddy & Julia back in Namibia, things are starting to settle back into some assemblance of normal. Buddy & Julia were still pretty jet lagged on Thursday morning so I taught Bible study at the woodcarvers market on Romans 11:17-24. As an illustration, I attempted to “graft” a tree branch on to the tree we use for shade. I’m sure it’s long dead by now, but I think they got the point. I also returned to Coffee Bar last night after a 3 week absence and my Dance Praise skills are in sorry shape. But overall it was a good night, connecting up with a few of the Ark kids as well as my Tanzanian friend, Assed, and hanging out with Toivo again.
I’ve had lots of free time around the plot these past few days since Dieter & Joan are in South Africa and I’m again without a car. I’ve used the time to sort through the many photos of the last 3 busy weeks and take a few new ones.
I discovered these new insects that Buddy likes to call “armored crickets”. That’s one scary looking Jimeny if you ask me! (And yes, it really is as big as it looks.) I’ve done some gardening around my house, if you could call it that. When it rains, grass sprouts up where there was formerly just dirt. We’ve had so much rain that the grass is taller than my waist. So I’ve been out with a hoe and a rake chopping down the jungle that has overgrown my clothesline. I’m almost there. One or two more afternoons should do the trick.
I’ve had lots of free time around the plot these past few days since Dieter & Joan are in South Africa and I’m again without a car. I’ve used the time to sort through the many photos of the last 3 busy weeks and take a few new ones.
Coming up this week, we’ll finish up the Firm Foundations book at the high school Bible Study. To celebrate we’re going to have a braai (cookout) and watch Passion of the Christ. It’s perfect timing really with that being Easter weekend. I’ll be spending my Easter morning worshiping at the Grace and Glory Community Church. It won’t quite be a Christ’s Church Easter service, but it’ll be special in its own way. Then afterwards the Ark is hosting a Fun Day by the river and a braai in the evening. Can’t think of a better way to spend my Easter! What’re your Easter plans?
i actually have no easter plans. we'll see. something might come up. i have a show the night before. i've got a friend playing violin and singin w/ me. should be sweet. have fun "gardening"!
Thanks for all the pics Mike, Lisa showed me a bunch that I hadn't seen last night. Man things are different there in the rainy season, its incredible. That monitor lizard was awesome! though in some ways I think I'm glad that we go in the "winter," less creepy crawly things to scare the team. Anyways, youth group is plugging along here, I'm teaching on David sparing Saul which should be fun. When I read it the story is so adventurous to me, but I know its hard to get the kids to see it in that way cause too often anything in the bible doesn't seem relevant or exciting to them. So pray that the story sticks with them, and the other stories they hear too, and maybe we'll get some more kids that want a heart after God like David.
We're preparing for a celebratory Resurrection Sunday with a good sized band and a bunch of singers. My prayer is that the risen Lord inhabits our praises and is truly glorified in our midst. Be blessed brother, glad you're legal again. Talk to you soon, give my love to the Morsbach's when they return.
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