Step 1: Go out into the bush and collect your mopane worms.Step 2: Squeeze out the guts and discard.
Step 3: Gently wash the worms and place in pot of water.
Step 4: Allow the water to boil out over about an hour.
Step 5: Let them dry in the sun, salt, and serve.Serving Suggestions: Use Tomato sauce or Sweet Chili sauce for dipping. You can also let them simmer with small chunks of tomato and onion, or add more water and make it into a soup. Bon apetite!
After last years incredibly dry rainy season, this year has been phenomenal. In many places they’ve actually had too much rain. All across the north there has been major flooding. Houses and roads are being washed away. Even as far south as Sossusvlei they say there are standing pans of water in the middle of the desert. Here in Okahandja, it’s the fourth day in a row of slow, soaking rain. It’s good for crops and grazing lands, but not so much for the flood victims.
So Mike does it taste like chicken (with tomato sauce)? On our 06 visit our team was treated to a traditional tribal meal including the pan worms. Crunchy ha.
Thanks for the rain up date. Bonnaface in Ondangwa asked us to pray for rain a few weeks back. Sounds like that prayer was answered.
Here are some pics from a couple, Todd an dErin, also in Namibia.
They look much better after they are cooked. Is it weird that I want to try one> Are they crunchy?
mmmm....tasty. i think you need to put your own description of how they taste. i miss you but i'm so glad you are having the time of your life!
They don't taste like anything at first, then have kind of a veggie after taste. Naturally, all they eat is plants. How crunchy they are depends on how much you dry them. The ones I had weren't too cruchy, but not too chewy. And it's not weird. Everyone should want to try one! :)
I've met Todd and Erin. I helped them move from Okahandja to Windhoek when I first got here, which is too bad cause now I don't hang out with them as much as I'd like.
Hi Mike! I've been reading every post. I'm so happy you seem well! I think this worm post made me feel sicker than I already felt, if that was possible.
When I went to Kenya - we ate the dragonflies out of the air...hard time catching them...but didn't taste too bad..
mmmm.... sounds yummy.... no, really....
Love ~G
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