Youth Camp - Day 3 and 4

As I was walking in the dark Tuesday night, after everyone had gone to bed early, I came across two ladies filling tin cans with sand. I inquired into this unusual behavior and they told me they were going to wake all the kids up for a little midnight snack of cookies, chips, and roasting marshmallows over candles. “We wouldn’t want them to think we’re too normal,” they said. What a great youth ministry motto!

Wednesday night was the camp ‘talent show’. Each of the teams put together a drama. There were some dances, lots of songs from hip hop to reagge to old Afrikaans hymns, and one American shilumbu (white person) with an acoustic guitar. At their invitation I gladly joined in and shared For The Moments I Feel Faint by Relient K. When I got to the line “I think I can’t, but I think You can” the whole place erupted. As an encore I got them to join me in singing You’re So Good. It was really a cool moment for me as all these kids that I’ve been getting to know through volleyball and just around welcomed me in as one of their own. No matter how different I look or my musical style, we still worship the same God.

This afternoon we caravan down to Windhoek where we’ll catch a train to Mariental. We’ll arrive about 2am when we’ll move into our accommodations and catch some sleep before a full day of setting up for the weekend. Unfortunately there’s no place to lock up valuables so Dieter suggested I don’t bring my camera. That’s gonna kill me all weekend, but it will make sure I get out from behind my lens and enjoy the experience. It also means I won’t get to update you all until I get back. Please pray for the weekend, for tender hearts in the people of Mariental, courage and boldness for the youth and the rest of the team from Emmanuel, and safety during our travels and everything else. Thanks so much and have a blessed weekend!


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