Youth Camp - Day #2

Volleyball went great with the kids today. The whole camp is split up into 5 teams and they send some kids to soccer, some to volleyball, and some to relay games. The points are tallied up for daily winners and an overall camp winner at the end of the week. Today’s volleyball group was a blast. Everyone got involved and even those who’ve never played before jumped right in and had fun. Naturally there’s some competitive spirits, but they were pretty well behaved and didn’t argue with the referee.

This afternoon we had to take a girl in to the doctor. She had eaten an apple which she was allergic to. In the end it was simply hyperventilation with a dose of panic, but it caused quite fright amongst the campers. As we left Dieter told the other kids ‘don’t worry, just pray’. I hope seeing her come back just fine will be a good faith lesson for them all. And on top of that, the doctor who usually charges N$175 per visit and isn’t well known for his charity didn’t charge a thing. Now that’s an answer to prayer if I ever saw one.


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