Photo of the Day

Stephanie playing with a Koringkrik


Laura Siegrist said...

ummmm...can you explain what a Koringkrik is??? for us Americans who don't have a clue...

mike said...

Ha, yeah sure. In english it roughly translates 'wheat cricket'. They're big ugly insects that have been around since the rains in February and March and they eat just about any plant they can find. Their only predators are turkeys, each other, and children who like to play with them, so basically they're everywhere. Only recently since temps have started to go below freezing at night have they started dying off. Good ridance. I have more close up pics on my Flickr photostream if you're interested.

Laura Siegrist said...

nice...i'll go look! thanks for the translation. i love learning about weird stuff that live in other places.

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