The last week
posted on 11/28/2007 05:06:00 AM 2 comments
T-minus 12 days
I just got back from two weeks on the road visiting with friends and family before I head out for a the next year. I've logged almost 3,000 miles from NH to Pennsylvania to Michigan to Indiana to Kentucky to North Carolina, back to PA, and finally inching my way through NYC traffic (it was cloudy and rainy or else I might've stopped) I made my way back home. It was a great time catching up with some friends from college, seeing cousins that I haven't seen in ages, and exchanging 'Christmas' gifts with the fam. It's amazing having so many excellent people who support me in life, whether they realize it or not.
So yesterday I passed the two week mark and now packing becomes my next priority. I had started working on it before my vacation but now it comes to the forefront. What do I want to keep? What needs to be tossed? What can be given away? What last things do I need to buy here that I won't be able to get in Africa? And then amidst all that is the greater joy of getting together with everybody here before I go. I know these next 12 days will fly by faster than I can imagine. I hope, as always, to live them to the fullest, and as we say in Africa, sleep when I get home.
posted on 11/21/2007 03:47:00 AM 4 comments
Dollars and Sense
Many people have been asking about how I'll be supported while working in Namibia for a whole year. I will not be traveling around to raise support like many missionaries do. Instead I will be supported by the church community I've been serving with and participating in for the last 22 years. As I mentioned, I will still be on staff at my church as a salaried pastor, I will simply be located in Namibia, hence the term "distributed pastor". However, living expenses in Namibia are far less than they are in the States, so basically to show their appreciation for 5 years of pastoral service Christ's Church is giving me a pay cut and shipping me off to Africa. :)That being said, the money still has to come from somewhere, and I do understand the joy of giving and making an investment in people's lives and ministries around the world. (If that sounds like a clever ploy to make you want to send me money then I'd be more than happy to chat about a biblical theology of giving.) So if you are interested in financially sharing in this ministry with me, you can make a tax-deductible donation through Christ's Church of Amherst. You can do that in two ways. Our online E-source program allows you to make a one-time or monthly gift through electronic transfer directly from your credit card, checking, or savings account. Simply input your information and put my name under "Purpose of gift." Or you can send a check with my name in the memo to:
Christ's Church of Amherst
58 Merrimack Road
Amherst, NH 03031
Thank you so much for all your prayers and for those who've expressed interest in supporting me financially. It is indeed a blessing to have such a strong support group back here in the States.
posted on 11/16/2007 12:43:00 PM 0 comments
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